Villagehouse - exhibition
Villagehouse - exhibition
2014-09-30 (11 YEAR(S) AGO)
As a part of our work articles of our association specify the discovering and presenting of our tradition. To realise this target people living in the village gathered clothing, pots, tools, furniture and other fixtures of old time with directing of our devoted members Széles Lászlóné and Szvákné Ildikó Széles. They created an exhibition from these things and they care it in the small building which is given at the disposal of association by the local government. Those who want to see the exhibition have to call them
(tel. +36 20 433 9316 or 06 35 344 479)
and they will show it to them.
It was very interesting to observe in time of gathering that the owners hardly could give out the things from their hands - not but that they used, rather they feared for their things, they considered these things to be a great value.
(tel. +36 20 433 9316 or 06 35 344 479)
and they will show it to them.
It was very interesting to observe in time of gathering that the owners hardly could give out the things from their hands - not but that they used, rather they feared for their things, they considered these things to be a great value.
Piroska Perédi
Σ document: 1 |
1024x768 px